We Offer Telehealth Services!

KPS Offers Telehealth Services!
Written by Kelsie Goller, MA, LPC-S, RPT
Clinical Director, KPS
During the Covid-19 pandemic, both counselors and clients around the world became much more familiar with telemental health services. Telemental health services (or “telehealth services” to be more succinct) refers to the use of audio or visual technology to conduct counseling services. Multiple studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of telehealth services. In children, a review of the literature showed that telehealth was as effective as in-person treatment for general mental health difficulties, it reduced barriers to treatment access, and it was as effective as in person therapy in reducing symptoms of PTSD in traumatized children (Racine et al., 2020). A 2019 rapid evidence assessment included 24 studies to evaluate the efficacy of treatment for four common mental health conditions (depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder) and found that “there was sufficient evidence to support VTC [video teleconference] and telephone-delivered interventions” for these four mental health conditions (Varker et al., 2019). A meta-analysis of 27 studies (totaling 2,648 total participants) examining telehealth services with veterans found that telehealth services with veterans are “similarly effective as services provided face-to-face” (McClellan et al., 2022). Since veterans are a population that underutilize counseling due to multiple barriers (only about half of veterans who meet criteria for a mental health disorder receive services), telehealth can be a valuable option. Telehealth can make counseling more accessible to those who would otherwise experience barriers to receiving treatment for a variety of reasons- some people have physical health conditions that make it challenging to attend in-person sessions, while others lack reliable transportation, live in an area of mental health provider shortages where there are few counselors available, do not have the time needed to drive to an appointment, or do not have the childcare needed in order to see a counselor in person.
There are, of course, some limitations in telemental health services. A reliable internet connection and reliable computer or phone are necessary to proceed unhindered. Also, a safe and confidential space is needed; both children and adults may share less than they would in the counseling office for fear of being overheard with repercussions. Also, it may be more difficult for clinicians to identify dissociative behaviors by video (as it is more difficult to read client affect), and it may be more difficult for counselors to assist clients with maintaining attention and managing emotional dysregulation from afar (Racine et al., 2020).
If you choose to pursue telemental health services, your counselor will have a discussion with you near the beginning of the relationship about how to optimize your environment. For example, counselors will discuss a plan for what will take place if the phone call or video call is cut off unexpectedly and how to choose a quiet, private space for the conversation. For child clients, the counselor may talk with the caregivers about what materials to gather for the session ahead of time (toys, art supplies, etc.) The counselor will talk about giving your full attention to the session and not engaging in other activities (such as driving during the session) which could put you and others at risk. In essence, you want to create an environment at home that matches as closely as possible the elements of the environment in the counseling office- you would not be cooking dinner while sitting in the counseling office, answering other phone calls, driving, or bringing along the checkout line at Walmart to sit in on the session with you, so those things should also not be taking place during your telehealth session either!
On their side, the counselor will also be providing a confidential and professional environment, as well as utilizing HIPAA-compliant technology to ensure confidentiality.
Some of the clinicians at Kranz Psychological Services offer telehealth services, so please be sure to ask for a counselor who is providing telehealth if that modality best fits your current needs!
McClellan, M. J., Osbaldiston, R., Wu, R., Yeager, R., Monroe, A. D., McQueen, T., & Dunlap, M. H. (2022). The effectiveness of telepsychology with veterans: A meta-analysis of services delivered by videoconference and phone. Psychological Services, 19(2), 294–304. https://doi.org/10.1037/ser0000522
Racine, N., Hartwick, C., Collin-Vézina, D., & Madigan, S. (2020). Telemental health for child trauma treatment during and post-COVID-19: Limitations and considerations. Child abuse & neglect, 110(Pt 2), 104698. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104698
Varker, T., Brand, R. M., Ward, J., Terhaag, S., & Phelps, A. (2019). Efficacy of synchronous telepsychology interventions for people with anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and adjustment disorder: A rapid evidence assessment. Psychological Services, 16(4), 621–635. https://doi.org/10.1037/ser0000239